PREDICTIONS FOR 2018: THE EXAFLOP BARRIER HAS ALREADY BEEN BROKEN At the beginning of this article, I felt a bit of an “Aramis Fuster” complex, giving the predictions for the…
PREDICTIONS FOR 2018: THE EXAFLOP BARRIER HAS ALREADY BEEN BROKEN At the beginning of this article, I felt a bit of an “Aramis Fuster” complex, giving the predictions for the…
COMPLETE HPC SYSTEM AT CICIC-CARTUJA Last July, Sistemas Informáticos Europeos, has carried out two HPC installations at the CICIC-Cartuja: on the one hand, a cluster for…
SIE SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED THE CLUSTER OF THE LOPEZ-NEYRA INSTITUTE OF PARASITOLOGY (CSIC) On June 7 and 8, Sistemas Informáticos Europeos, launched the new SIE cluster…
PREVIOUS CONSIDERATIONS ON DEEPLEARNING The theory of neural networks and their algorithms was proposed in the 40s. At the Engineering level, during this time work has been done on…
Quibim. The “different radiologist” Ángel Alberich and Luis Martí Bonmatí create a solution that helps professionals extract hidden information from medical images. “This is a computational solution…
Sistemas Informáticos Europeos, SL has been one of the 1.000 European companies that has grown the most from 2012 to 2015. We have grown by 60% in this time. We want to give…
AMBER TEST WITH NEW GTX 1080Ti Researcher Jordi Bujons from CSIC-CID has been able to test the new NVDIA GTX 1080Ti, on the SIE Ladon G-1P Workstation, confirming a significant improvement…
Aimed at HPC system administrators, researchers who do scientific calculation, HPC application developers and IT personnel linked to the management of intensive calculation systems. Speakers Hpc…
Less than a month, we have the 3rd edition of this event. This year comes with much more content: 3 days of practical presentations and demos, 12 speakers of great…
"One year ago today, the CITI published its great satisfaction with the cluster set up by SIE" The HPC system has been working for more than a year for a great…