For the 6th consecutive year, HPC Admintech 2020 has been a great success, both in terms of audience and content.
This is the first year that we do it in the fantastic city of Seville, we have tried to further improve the presentations, the times and the playful activities that this workshop involves.
The presence of both national and foreign speakers has made it possible to bring new technologies to our clients. We have increased the practical workshops, allowing attendees greater interaction with the subjects covered.
You can see all the content and photos by clicking this article.
Soon, we will also publish the videos on our channel youtube
We want to encourage all professionals linked to the fields of HPC, Big Data, Deep Learning and Machine Learning, to participate in the HPC Admintech 2021, which will take place in… For now we will leave it as a mystery. This year, we also want to invite the administrators and scientists linked to the calculation of the Latin American countries.