Last July, Sistemas Informáticos Europeos, has carried out two HPC installations at the CICIC-Cartuja: on the one hand a cluster for intensive calculation and on the other hand, a network of precalculus stations.
In the case of the cluster, it is a SIE Ladón solution, based on Ladón OS 7 v9, which provides a total of 126 CPU cores and 7.168 GPU cores. The entire system can be managed jointly, since it is interconnected through Mellanox Infiniband FDR at 56 Gb/s. In addition, this low latency network allows simultaneous access to the global export disk, which is mounted on BeeGFS, which is native to infiniband, allowing use of all the bandwidth of this network. Micron disks for metadata allow large data traffic at high speed and given their endurance, they perfectly support this task with great reliability and a capacity of 480 GB in metadata, which in turn handles a storage capacity of 80 TB. expandable in the future.
On the other hand, 9 pre-calculation stations have been installed, together with a Windows Server 2012-2016 server and a server based on Centos 7 with Samba, for data backup. All the computers have been integrated into the Active Directory of the Center and allowing centralized control of user activity.
The workstations installed with Windows 10 will allow the management of the calculation program Origin and the CorelDraw Suite program for vector graphics management. The SIE Ladon stations incorporate an Intel Quad Core i7-6700 processor at 3,4 GHz, 8 MB cache (4 cores, 8 processes), 32 GB of RAM and the new NVDIA GTX 1050 Ti graphics card, 4 GB GDDR5, 768 cores. CUDA, new Pascal technology, which already supports multi-monitors in 4K. This graphics card has high performance and allows you to handle graphics on the screen with great speed, without sweeping effects and at high speed. These stations are very quiet, they are very well ventilated and they are small, which allows for intensive use by the scientists who use them and they perfectly cover the pre-calculus needs that they develop in their workplaces.
Both the cluster and the project servers have been installed in the newly created CPD in the new CICIC building, where
They have the perfect conditions for their management and connection. The servers that serve the network are connected by 4 and 2 10GbaseT ports respectively, to offer high-speed data access without bottlenecks.
In both projects, SIE has carried out the assembly, software installation, configuration and training for network administrators and users. As always, SIE has brought pre-configured equipment to reduce installation time on site at the client.
Rack installation of the CICIC Cartuja CPD of the SIE Ladon HPC system by Sistemas Informáticos Europeos, In sevilla
The project has been carried out by: Jesus Cuenca and Jairo Costa, in the HPC and Linux part, by Nacho Gorraiz and Alberto Díaz, in the Windows and network integration part, with the support of our Seville technician, who manages both environments.
Customer satisfaction with the installation has been total and from SIE we want to thank the great help and willingness shown by both Dr. Rafael Alvarez Romo, as CICIC administrator, and the researcher Dr. Antonio Díaz Quintana, in the scientific part of the project.
Sistemas Informáticos Europeos, have demonstrated with this project their experience in the integration of mixed Linux-Windows-MAC environments, which they have been managing for more than 20 years.
SIE is proud to carry out installations at the CSIC, given that in
1999, the first HPC installation was carried out at the RocaSolano Institute of this entity and its Hidra and Ladón clusters are still operating today, with subsequent improvements and expansions in their infrastructure.