SIE bet this generation of cluster by the reduction of space. Our solutions and Twin Blade, allowing each node occupies only ½ U. A rack of 44 U can
houses over seven hundred cores. This represents a significant saving space, power and cost. In the cluster environment for scientific computing we offer the following platforms:
a) Solution Intel Xeon Nehalem twin 1 or with two nodes and 8 cores per node. This new platform with a speed of 3 GHz, provides great power and performance. You can also combine two Gigabit Ethernet interface or a Gigabit interface for connecting InfiniBand and other low-latency network.
b) twin AMD Opteron solution. Shangay with processors of up to 2.9 Ghz with 8 cores per node and Istanbul at 2.6 Ghz with 12 cores per node with the same connectivity options Nehalem platform.
c) double twin solution of any previous platforms, which also incorporates the advantage of having redundant power supply.