Our products contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. The calculations carried out by IFISC within the SuMaECO project are of great ecological interest in Mallorca, since they simulate the growth of Posidonia meadows.
The machine had two 2.8 Ghz 16-core AMD 7282 processors (turbo 3.2 Ghz), a 2 TB SSD system disk and a 12.8 TB NVME Micron 9300 MAX high-endurance disk, which provides 850,000 IOPS read and 310,000 IOPS write scratch speed.
In addition, the classification of images and series has been tested.
neural networks in the TensorFlow environment, techniques to be used, among others, in airport delay prediction (ERC Starting Grand ARTIC) and remote sensing of Xylella fastidiosa in crops.
IFISC researchers test Nvidia’s new GPUs (…) perform simulations of Posidonia meadows growth
By using GIGABYTE, Spain’s Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems is pitting the world’s foremost server solutions against some of the world’s most pressing issues, including the effects of climate change, the effects of pollution, and the effects of climate change.GigabyteGigabyte Technology Taiwán
The overall purpose of this project is to evaluate the influence of some environmental factors on the survival and vegetative development of seedlings of the marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica.
(…) The CSIC states that the extent of the meadows of this marine jewel has decreased between 13% and 38% since the second half of the 20th century, losing 50% of its density in the remaining areas in the last 20 years. (…)