SIE continues as always to support science, in this case, with the Sponsorship of the 18th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its applications, which will take place in Alicante in July 2019, after having visited cities such as Paris, Vienna, Brussels, Rome or Amsterdam.
Our company feels very close to the organizing committee, which has been calculating with SIE Ladon machines for many years and obtaining great advances in its research.
They have all the information about this event here
In the photo, you can see the posters, a Juan Carlos Sancho and Emilio San Fabián, along with our Project Manager Raúl Díaz who was visiting the University of Alicante last month, where they are Full Professors. In addition, on the left a SIE Ladon Workstation of the latest generation and low noise.
As always, it is a source of pride for us to be able to put our little grain of sand in disseminating science and achieving international relations for our researchers, which in many cases materialize in European consortia.